Create workflows that work for you

MeisterTask seamlessly integrates with hundreds of popular apps, slotting perfectly into your existing tech stack. Simply click and sync with your team's favorite tools to power up your projects.


Scale up your operations with Zapier

Spend your time where it matters most – and let Zapier take care of the rest. Create triggers and automations across thousands of tools like JIRA, Confluence, Slack, Microsoft Teams and many more.

Import your projects in a matter of clicks

Switching to MeisterTask from another tool? It’s never been easier to make the leap: simply import your existing tasks, projects and even assignees from your current tool to MeisterTask. You’ll be up and running in no time.

Stay on top of your inbox

You’ve got mail – too much mail. Thankfully, you can connect your inbox with MeisterTask to streamline communication. Instantly turn email requests into easy-to-find, actionable tasks, and wave goodbye to email overwhelm for good.

Schedule a date with productivity

Enjoy a more focused and productive workday. Sync tasks and deadlines in MeisterTask with your calendar to block time for priority tasks. Invite your team to do the same: with a clear overview of their availability, you can better plan and resource your projects.

Streamline your workflows

Connect your most-used apps to MeisterTask for easy, centralized workflow management. ​​Configure automatic updates to your channels with task activity, create tasks from Zendesk tickets, or complete tasks and checklists via GitHub…the possibilities are endless.

Work smarter, not harder

Repetitive tasks dragging you down? Let automations do the heavy lifting. MeisterTask connects to popular tools that support seamless integrations with thousands of apps, enabling you to build and automate your ultimate workflow.

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Dream it, build it

Got an idea for a game-changing integration? Join our MeisterTask integration partner program and make it happen. Simply fill out our contact form for the chance to build your own integrations via the MeisterTask API.

Your workflows, your way – with MeisterTask.