Digital Services Act Information

The following information only applies to users based in the European Union and Meister services covered by the EU Digital Services Act:

MeisterLabs aims to foster a safe and welcoming space for everyone. We expect our employees, customers and partners to treat each other with respect. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is the legal framework for digital service providers in the European Union in order to ensure the safety of online environments.

As part of the DSA obligations, we provide the following information:

1. Point of contact for authorities

This section is intended to provide EU Member States’ authorities, the EU Commission and the EU Board with a point of contact as required under Article 11 of the Digital Services Act (DSA). If you represent an authority within the meaning of Art. 11 DSA, you can contact us via [email protected]. For this purpose, we accept communications in German and English. When sending messages to [email protected], we kindly ask you to include your full name, contact information and the name of the EU-based authority on whose behalf you are reaching out to us.

This point of contact shall not be used for any other communications. If you are a private individual, please use our dedicated point of contact for users below.

2. Point of contact for users

We work hard to maintain services appropriate for a global audience. If you come across any use of our services that you consider to be illegal or that contradicts our General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”), please inform us using this link to our reporting form. We highly appreciate your feedback to ensure a secure environment for everyone.

Content which we deem to be illegal or violating our GTC will be removed (see Sec. 11.4. of our GTC). The decision as to whether content is removed from our services will be made via human review only. We will not make decisions by automated means. Depending on the type of content and the frequency of publishing infringing content, we may also deactivate the respective user account for a certain period of time.

If you have an inquiry that is not related to the DSA, please have a look at our Contact Us page.

3. Appealing a content moderation decision

In case user content is removed, we’ll make sure to inform the affected user. We do our best to give a brief description why we don’t allow the respective content.

The DSA provides the possibility to appeal decisions made by online platforms on content moderation. Therefore, if you are affected by a content moderation, e.g. your content was removed from our services, and you think our decision needs to be reviewed and revoked, you can file a complaint within 6 months using this reporting form. We will review the respective content once more and provide you with our decision in a timely manner.

Furthermore, you can contact a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body to help resolve any dispute with us with regards to reported content, in case you disagree with our decision or the outcome of an appeal. The DSA determines that the Digital Service Coordinator of each Member State certifies out-of-court settlement bodies to handle eligible disputes.

We will work with the out-of-court settlement body only where required by law. Please note that we are not bound by any decisions made by these out-of-court settlement bodies.